
Our services include a complete range of core analysis services:

Complete Shale Analysis

PVT Laboratory Services

Conventional Core Analysis

Special Core Analysis

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Geological Services


NOTE: The analysis, interpretations or opinions expressed in our reports represent the best judgement of Special Core Analysis Laboratories Inc.. Special Core Analysis Laboratories Inc. assumes no responsibility and makes no warranties of any kind as to the productivity, proper operation or profitability of any oil, gas or any other mineral in connection which such a report is used or relied upon.


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Complete Shale Analysis

Shale sweet zoneOur Quick-Desorption™ service is an industry-leading innovation - a new technique capable of measuring unconventional gas desorption of shale and coal samples independent of sample size. We provide real-time data (24-48 hours) for horizontal drilling positioning. We measure cuttings, sidewall or full diameter samples by changing the desorption canisters and clicking a few buttons in our world-class software. The process works very well with rotary sidewall samples.

Our equipment is installed in an SUV and consists of an accurate mechanical convection laboratory oven (0.3 °C uniformity), stainless steel canisters of various sizes and a very accurate gas measuring system operating isothermal at reservoir temperature.

The measuring system includes an industrial computer interfaced with a laptop computer. The equipment is powered by digital inverter-generators and in-line digital UPS systems.

truckFULL DETAILS on Complete Shale Analysis >>

>> Quick-Desorption™ and Shale Evaluation
>> Shale Evaluation using Sorption Isotherms

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PVT Laboratory Services for Shale Liquid Systems

Our state-of-the-art PVT Laboratory is available to perform black oil, volatile oil, retrograde condensate and gas studies. Some of the equipment used: Cambridge Viscosity ViscoLab PVT (viscosity of gas and liquids mixtures to 20,000 psi and 200°C), Anton Paar (density of gas and oil to 20,000 psi and 200°C), Digital recombination and condensate PVT cells and last generation of compositional analysis equipment.
on PVT Analysis >>

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Conventional Core Analysis

Porosity, Klinkenberg permeabilities and fluid saturations at reservoir stress for drilled sidewall, plug and full diameter core samples. We provide a full range of field services related to core preservation and transportation to our state of the art laboratory facility in Midland, Texas. We provide a full range of sample preparation techniques for sensitive minerals and a large in house core storage facility.

FULL DETAILS on Conventional Core Analysis >>

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Special Core Analysis

Wettability, relative permeability (water-oil, gas-oil, gas-water), capillary pressure (porous plate, ultra-centrifuge, mercury injection), rock-fluid compatibility, electrical resistivity measurements, acoustic velocities, dynamic rock mechanics as well as other specialized services.

Most of the laboratory procedures listed can be performed at elevated reservoir pressures and temperatures. Live reservoir fluids can also be recombined and used. Many other special tests and test sequences can be designed to identify particular reservoir and production problems. Numerous cleaning, drying and sample handling procedures are available. Test results are available in many personal computer formats.
FULL DETAILS on Special Core Analysis >>

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Enhanced Oil Recovery Services

Reservoir fluid recombination, MMP determination, miscible and miscible flooding services, CO2 flooding and other EOR-related services, such as hot water, steam, and polymers floods.
on Enhanced Oil Recovery Services >>

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Geological Services

SCAL, Inc. provides determination of lithology, diagenesis, diagenetic sequence and reservoir properties through geological description, analysis and thin section petrography of conventional core, drilled sidewall cores and cuttings. Integration with XRD and SEM analysis furnishes an operationally focused reservoir characterization. The integration of geological studies with routine and special core analysis renders a robust representation of the present reservoir character, calibration of wireline log response and the potential for drilling, completion or production formation damage.

This integration simultaneously documents rock fabric, thereby, permitting reconstruction of the depositional setting and diagenetic history. Visualization of the original depositional environment and diagenetic overprint are critical to development and testing of predictive models for oil and gas exploration.
on Geological Services >>


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Questions? Contact SCAL, Inc. >>

30th Anniversary: 1989-201925

2019 marks the 30th year in operation for Midland-based Special Core Analysis Laboratiories, Inc. (SCAL, Inc.). We are proud to celebrate this anniversary by celebrating the people that enable our success - you, our clients!

DOWNLOAD: White Papers


- SCAL, Inc: Services & Capabilities 2021

- Lower Shale Porosities Are Better WTGS 2017

- The Dual Drop Method Wettability Measurement and Treating Fluid Optimization WTGS 2015

- From Nano-Gas to Commercial Oil and Gas WTGS 2014

- Measuring Gas to Find Shale Oil Generation

- Compaction Model for Oil and Gas Generation in Shale WTGS 2011

- Shale Analysis Presentation AAPG 2010

- Quick-Desorption™ Automated Shale Gas Desorption and Tight Rock Analysis: Sorption Isotherms Performed on Rotary Sidewall Cores